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Peachtree Publishing

Hen isn't a little chick anymore. She's spread her wings and can get a job done all by herself! No need to bother offering Hen a helping hand. She's got it covered! But then comes Fox...should her friends step in to offer assistance that Hen hasn't asked for? A wonderful twist on the classic folktales The Little Red Henn and Henny Penny. 


Activity guide available for download: http://peachtreebooks.com/Activity_Event/AllByMyselfActivitySheets.pdf

Sleeping Bear Press
ISBN 978-1-53411-048-9
Turner/West Margin Press
ISBN 978-1-51328-949-6
Sleeping Bear Press
ISBN 978-58536-898-3
Sleeping Bear Press
ISBN: 978-1-58536-95-7
Sleeping Bear Press
ISBN: 978-1-58536-999-7
Sleeping Bear Press
ISBN: 978-1-58536-883-9
Simon & Schuster, UK
ISBN: 978-1-4711-2339-9